”You’re out kayaking while I’m inside working all day.”
This statement was one of the last straws that made me leave facebook four years ago.
I was so pissed at that guy. I consciously used the the Law of Attraction for years to get here! How dare he make me feel guilty for something I “worked so hard” for! It also stung because sometimes I forget that people’s success and joy can often trigger those who don’t feel those things for themselves. I expected that people would be happy for me. I know, naive, but I am happy for others when they thrive so I do forget... daily.
Four years and a couple of excellent years of EMDR therapy later, I realized my anger had zero to do with a friend who felt powerless to change his life. It had much more to do with my reaction of feeling guilty when I have something others don’t. What an a-ha moment (a moment that took years in the making).
I’ve kept myself as small as possible (my butt begs to differ) since I was a kid. There’s a natural tendency for me to grow so I tend to gain momentum in whatever I do. Of course, as we know when there’s upward momentum, people take notice. Until now, I’ve unconsciously bounced from thing to thing as to never quite build myself up so much that others will be jealous and hate me/tear me down. Ask me how that’s worked out.
I’m still finding opportunities to grow on this subject and actually have been enjoying the journey. I got back on Facebook recently and have been posting pics of my crazy adventures as I camp across the US in my trusty mini-camper van named Gypsy Jack. LOVING THIS!!!
I have felt nothing but happiness and joy to be in 70+ degree weather while my home state was getting hammered with 3 feet of snow. Of course, it’s because I know that everyone has the same ability to manifest what they want in their lives as well. The new title of this post should be, “I USED to feel guilty because everything is always working out for me. ”
Now, go create the life you want. I can do it. You can do it!
You can follow my adventures on my instagram page if you feel it. @debadventures